Indigo WOW Week: Spring 2023
Oh Mama: The Essential Course for Wellbeing in Pregnancy
CourseJoin Sarah Fogel, LCSW for a 4 week long course to prepare yourself emotionally for pregnancy and postpartum. We will explore emotional health, things to look out for, partnerships, boundary setting, self-advocacy, your identity, and establishing you
Indigo WOW Week!
Pre-order available now!
Indigo Detox'ish Week: August 2021
Hello, Hormones: Super Sex Ed
CourseEverything you should've learned in high school, but probably didn't. In this course we'll cover basic anatomy, hormones, egg and sperm health, and how babies REALLY get made.
Hello, Hormones: Birds, Bees & BBTs
CourseThe basics of baby making! We'll cover everything you need to know while TTC including ovulation, implantation, fertilization, cycle tracking. We'll make sure you're totally filled on on when to see a fertility specialist.